
Important:Googlenolongerprovidessoftwareupdatesforthesethird-partySmartDisplays:LenovoSmartDisplay(7″,8″&10″),JBLLinkView ...,Googlequietlydiscontinuedseveralsmartdisplays,includingtheLenovoSmartDisplay7,8,and10-inchdevices,aswellastheJBLLinkView,andLGXboomAI ...,...smartdisplaysthatwillnolongerreceiveupdates:LenovoSmartDisplay(7,8,and10);JBLLinkView;LGXboomAIThinQWK9SmartDisplay.,Googleno...

Google ends updates to kill 3rd

Important: Google no longer provides software updates for these third-party Smart Displays: Lenovo Smart Display (7″, 8″ & 10″), JBL Link View ...

Why is Google killing third-party smart displays?

Google quietly discontinued several smart displays, including the Lenovo Smart Display 7, 8, and 10-inch devices, as well as the JBL Link View, and LG Xboom AI ...

Google kills support for third-party Assistant displays

... smart displays that will no longer receive updates: Lenovo Smart Display (7, 8, and 10); JBL Link View; LG Xboom AI ThinQ WK9 Smart Display.

Google stops 3rd party smart display updates as Assistant support ...

Google no longer provides software updates for these third-party Smart Displays: Lenovo Smart Display (7a, 8a and 10a), JBL Link View and LG ...

Lenovo Smart Display | Smart Home System

DISCONTINUED. Contains Add-ons. View Cart. Proceed to Checkout. Please review ... Lenovo Smart Display 8. Lenovo Smart Display 10 Lenovo Smart Display 10.

These Smart Display Speakers Won't Get Assistant Updates From ...

“Google no longer provides software updates for these third-party Smart Displays: Lenovo Smart Display (7a, 8a and 10a), JBL Link View and LG ...

Google just killed the ability for the Lenovo smart display ...

Google made this update to the page: If the option is dimmed and you can't change it, your Smart Display isn't made by Google and doesn't have access to the ...

Did Google shutdown 3rd party displays? : rgooglehome

Yes, Google dropped support for 3rd party displays earlier this year, including those made from Lenovo.

Google cuts off third

Google is ending updates for the third-party smart displays made by LG, Lenovo, and JBL, which signals the company's broader shift away from ...

Google's abandoning third

Google has quietly revealed that it will end support for some of the best smart displays as the search giant shifts focus to its own devices instead.